Welcome to LoveRoxy

Welcome to LoveRoxy.
Feel free to leave your comments,and e-mail me suggestions. Enjoy the Fashion, The Stories, and the Good of Roxy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Check out the website that I started!
Its really a work in process, and I just finished its basics but I see big things in its future. My plans for it are to expand it with time, profile a handful of individuals-but for now this is a start. Surf over to the site-it looks best in Firefox and Safari but it will open in internet explorer.
Let me know what you think....and if you have any suggestions!

Snow Camps

Hit the snow...and if you don't know how to yet....LEARN!
Its never to late to start and hitting the mountain is a great way to be active this winter.

Go to your local mountains! Pick up and take a trip to some remote resort!
Make it a date or head out with your friends.

Roxy is sponsoring snow camps at
Whistler Mountain: Dec 6/7, Jan 10/11, Jan 24/25, Feb 7/8, Mar 7/8, Apr 4/5